What is included in the website design service?

Here is the detailed info about our service, what additional items we offer, and what is included:

  • A free website design
  • A one-page website
  • Custom Email Addresses
  • A custom-designed logo
  • Domain name
  • Website Hosting
  • Website updates and support
  • Custom widgets for your niche (if needed)

What is not included:

Here is the detailed info about what is NOT included and the additional cost for each:

• Custom Business Videos - We charge $1000 flat for this. You can see more info about this here - https://www.thinkenvy.com/local

• Photography of Your Business - We charge $500 flat for this. You can see more info about this here - https://link.thinkenvy.com/corporate-photos

• Custom Blog - We charge an additional $35 per month for us to create and post on your blog every 3 days.

• Multi-Page Website - We charge an additional $5 per page, per month for any additional website pages you might need.

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